2009年10月30日 星期五

動態影像 Motion without Boundary- 羅申駿 JL

電視、音樂和電影是構成動態影像產業的 3 個支柱,而台灣向華語世界輸出流行文化的同時,動態設計也緊緊抓住人們的注視目光。結合了設計、實拍影像、電腦動畫、配樂、音效等各種元素的動態影像設計,形式變化無窮,在視覺新時代成為溝通品牌形象的最佳語言。

Motion graphics landscape is shaped by TV broadcasting, music and movie industries. While Taiwan pop culture speading to Chinese societies all over the world, the motion graphics design facinates people’s eyes and mind simultaneously. The elements are various and the styles are free; graphic design, live action, computer animation, sound effects and music all combined and weaved the new communication and branding language in a visual era.

羅申駿 JL

1978 年出生於東京,回到台北成長,在台灣和新加坡的電視產業累積了 10 年的動態影像設計經驗,陸續為東風衛視、HBO、Disney Channel、新加坡 8 頻道和印度 Filmy 頻道創造得獎作品。2007 年羅申駿在台北創立 JL Design,打造了文建會、客家電視頻道與第一個高畫質電視頻道 HiHD 的品牌識別設計,作品獲得 Promax / BDA, Red dot, iF 等國際重要設計獎項,為台灣的動態影像領域開啟了新視野。

It all started with JL's passionate work since the early 90's. While working in Broadcasting industry of Taiwan and Singapore, he’s created unique visual language for Azio TV, HBO, Cinemax, Disney Channel, Channel 8 Singapore and Filmy India among others. In 2007 JL established JL Design and started serving the industry as a free flow creative medium. JL Design has since soared, received further international exposure and praise, including Promax / BDA Asia, Red Dot and iF Award China. JL keeps his non-stop pace in 2009, completing the rebranding project for Al Jazeera Network; giving talks in Kuala Lumper Design Week and BIRTV Beijing; judging for Promax / BDA World and Asia 2009; hoping to be a gentle yet powerful influence in the media industry.


張惠妹世界巡迴演唱會 A Mei - Born To Sing

代表著活力與動感的 A Mei,在亞洲帶起一波波新的音樂浪潮。作品從 “Born To Sing” 的概念出發,嘗試賦予 A Mei 科技與數位的面貌,在視覺上以具有強烈能量的音樂電流,與萬物相互衝擊,來表現這位為歌唱而生的亞洲歌姬。

A Mei is the icon of new music wave sweeping all over Asia with brand new music concept. JL Design tries to create a digital and high-tech look for A Mei by combining the idea of “Born to Sing” in visual with the attempt of showing this Asian diva’s talent, dynamic music power.

東風衛視頻道識別設計Azio TV Station Ident

Promax/BDA Asia 2002 Best On-air Ident, Sliver Award

- Wind
東風衛視 2001 年在台灣開播,目標是成為亞洲電視頻道的領導品牌,並自行製作所有的節目。Wind 以頻道名稱「風」字與藴涵的東方文化背景作為主要設計概念,將東風的品牌精神比喻成一陣暖風,持續將各種多元的聲音與元素吹送到亞洲各個城市。

Azio TV was launched in 2001 to be the leading TV channel in Asia. It also produces programs in house in order to build a consistent brand identity.

The main design concept of Ident Wind comes from the brand name and the Asian cultural background. In this Ident, Azio brand image is turned to a warm breeze, blowing various voices and elements to every cities around Asia constantly.

After its successfully launch in 2001, the next year JL Design tried to give Azio TV a new impression while continuing addressing its Asian background. The Water element is used to present a fusion of multiple culture and entertainment forms; meanwhile this approach also achieving the integrity of brand image and channel vision.

HiHD 頻道品牌設計 HiHD Channel Branding Package
MTV 巴哈姆特節目包裝 MTV Bahamut Gameshow Program Package
Mercedes Benz 形象廣告 Mercedes Benz Campaign - CDI Concept
奇美 2007 形象廣告 CHIMEI 2007 IMAGE - Follow and embrace your dreams
客家電視台品牌重新包裝 Hakka TV Rebranding Project