2009年10月30日 星期五

敘事空間 experiencing of space - 黃怡儒 I-JU HUANG


Taiwan designers are in a habit of utilizing their creativities and various materials, to turn an ordinary space into a dramatic stage beyond limitations. Without being arrogant, the duty as a designer is to create an attractive space wherever on stages, at exhibitions or parties.

Big Bright Room Co. 光助大房設計有限公司負責人

英國中央聖馬汀藝術暨設計學院敘事空間藝術碩士(Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design MA Scenography)。作品橫跨電影、劇場、活動、商業空間等多項領域不計其數,目前為實踐大學兼任助理教授、光助大房設計公司負責人。

MA in Scenography, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design. I-JU HUANG’s works are not only for movies, theaters and events, but also for interior and commercial space. Currently assistant professor in Shih Chien University and director of Big Bright Room Co.

代表作品:約翰走路-綠牌品酩館 JohnnieWalker Green Label Mentor


By combining live plants with digital imaging technology, the director built spectacular terrain features of Scotland, the origin of whiskey. In order to introduce the unique taste of Johnnie Walker Green Label, Huang puts in use of particular techniques to reveal rich sources of history and culture of Johnnie Walker.

「Nevery ending story-幾米創作10年展」Nevery ending story
約翰走路-黑牌移動式品酩館JohnnieWalker Mobile Mentor
活動「全球天文年-伽利略的故事」Galileo galilei
舞台劇《麥可‧傑克森》Michael Jackson